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Shannon Angel Mom of Bryan
I've been trying to think of which sign to tell you about~
some are quiet, some are loud~but i know when Bryan wants to let me know he's around, keeping an eye out for all of us.
A few years ago, after Christmas,
we were meeting my Uncle Bill, his new wife Elle, and her two nephews that had come in from Milwaukee for the holidays, at
PF Chang for lunch before they caught their flight home. The restuarant is at Easton Mall, in Columbus, OH, growing to be
one of the largest in the country, and parking is still an issue. After circling the parking lots several times, in anguish I
said, "Come on Bryan, we don't want to be late, can you help your Momma find a parking space??!!" The next corner
we rounded a car pulled out leaving us with a front row parking space. We were Right in front of the restuarant!! My niece,
Michelle Marie 21y, sat there with her mouth hanging open for a moment and finally said, "Thanks Cuz!!" She realized
at that moment that Bryan really was around, wanting to let her know he is always close by. She went in to the restuarant
with this glowing smile, tellling everyone Bryan had found us a parking spot!
I hope that doesn't sound silly, but
for us it was a memorable moment when we knew Bryan had been there, and Michelle Still talks about it.
