Well Dustin almost a New Year and as I was sitting here
I was thinking about the time you were in Austin and riding the skateboard trying to get up a hill and called me at exactly
midnight I felt so special and I know each New Years eve I will remember that. That year brought smiles this year brings tears.
I miss you so very much.
Love you my baby Marine,Mother
Dec 12th,2009, Was just thinking about you and wanted to let you know I love and miss you every day. Does not feel like
this is the 3rd Christmas without you here still feels like the 1st. Easier NOT but I am hanging in there and all the moms
I have met helps the most. I know you angelss up there can see what we did for Thanksgiving and now the Christmas
Gathering. Many of us have gathered last year and then also have met new moms. Breaks my heart how many young people
you have in Heaven. I know you have met so many new friends and met so many of your family too.I so wish I could change places
with you. You should be here for many more years. I love you,Mother

Dec 5th,2009
Wow! Dustin it snowed in Katy yesterday I thought of you missing it again the first time you were in Yuma. It is very
pretty but I am just not a cold weather person at all. Brett and Tyler were wishing they had got some but they did not as
of yet this winter. Granny and I were out in it only because Chloe was at the vet getting stitches taken iout an eye redone.
We did survive but it sure was cold. I often wander if you have change of weather in Heaven. I know if you do and come winter
your really dressing warm. Sun is out tody and snow has all melted but still very cold.
Love you and miss you more and more each day if that is possible. Seeing your smile in my mind is somedays more than
I can handle but I am so proud to call you my son. Mother

Dec. 2nd,2009
Good Afternoon Dustin, This week is almost over time seems
to fly by these days not sure if that is a good thing or not. Very cold here today and as always makes me think of how much
you liked having lots of covers just the opposite of Tifffany. Shocking though at 29 she is really liking covers on the cold
days. I know you see the Angels Gathering this year for your Christmas Gathering. Love all the moms so much and we together
trying to make every day a little easier for each other. I just recently joined a new group and some of the moms I have been
with a very long time also in this group. It saddens me to see how many young people your age are now in Heaven. Gone Way
To Soon and all the hearts in such pain. But as you if I can make one person smile or by telling your story save one life
all is so worth it.
You know I will never let you be forgotten as long as I
live. I love you so very much,Mother
November 27,2009
Happy Thanksgiving a Day Late Dustin! I knwo ya'll are busy
in Heaven preparing for the birth of Jesus. I can only imagine the beautiful celebration ya'll must have.
I knwo you know what has been going on with me and has been
very obvious you don't want your ma'ma to join you yet. I am trying so everyday to hang in there but somedays get so tired.
Tiff says at least 20 more years I have to hang around LOL
For thanksgiving and Christmas I am making a cookbook with
alot of your Angel Friends favortie fopods really going to be awesome so many moms have shared.. I know you must know each
that gather with me for the holidays and share memories of their loved one as I love to share memories of you.
I know what I want to do for our Christmas Gathering and
need to get busy on those pages too.
I know you have to be a little proud of your ma'ma not falling
apart every day at least for now.Things I do I know you have your hands all in it. And I love you and miss you so very very
much! Mother
October 20,2009
Dustin I am sorry I have not wrote in awhile I have been very busy with other Angel Moms. I know
you have your hands all in this.We are now preparing a Thanksgiving Gathering which shares alot of recipes of their Angels
favorite food. And yes I added Chicken Dorito for you! I am doing okay each day I think of you and wander whyyou were taken
so soon but I have not seen the BIG picture yet. I have tried to quit asking that question. That you are so very happy and
no heartaches of anykind and that you would not come back here even if you could. I love you so very much and I will see you
again! Love,Mother